Defining Clear Pathways to ‘Employee Centricity’ for Modern Organizations
Cynthia Vinney
Market Insights
September 6, 2024
12 min read

Employee centricity is a concept that puts employees at the center of an organization’s culture, strategy, and operations. It means creating an environment where employees feel valued, respected, empowered, and engaged, and where they can thrive and grow personally and professionally.

Employee centricity is not only beneficial for employees but also for the organization as a whole. According to a Gallup report, organizations with highly engaged employees have 21% higher profitability, 17% higher productivity, 10% higher customer ratings, and 41% lower absenteeism than those with low engagement.

But how can organizations achieve employee centricity? Here are some clear pathways that can help you create a more employee-centric workplace:

  • Listen to your employees: One of the key aspects of employee centricity is listening to your employees and understanding their needs, preferences, feedback, and ideas. You can use various methods to collect and analyze employee voices, such as surveys, focus groups, interviews, suggestion boxes, or online platforms. You can also create a culture of open and honest communication, where employees feel comfortable to express their opinions and concerns, and where they receive timely and constructive responses from the management.
  • Empower your employees: Another important element of employee centricity is empowering your employees to make decisions, take ownership, and innovate in their work. You can do this by providing them with the necessary resources, tools, training, and support, and by giving them the autonomy and flexibility to choose how, when, and where they work. You can also encourage them to collaborate and share their knowledge and skills with their peers, and to pursue their personal and professional development goals.
  • Recognize and reward your employees: A third essential component of employee centricity is recognizing and rewarding your employees for their contributions, achievements, and efforts. You can do this by providing them with fair and competitive compensation and benefits, and by offering them various forms of recognition and appreciation, such as praise, feedback, awards, bonuses, or career opportunities. You can also celebrate their milestones, successes, and birthdays, and show them that you care about their wellbeing and happiness.
  • Involve your employees: A fourth crucial factor of employee centricity is involving your employees in the organization’s vision, mission, values, and goals. You can do this by communicating clearly and frequently with your employees about the organization’s purpose, direction, and expectations, and by soliciting their input and feedback on strategic decisions and changes. You can also align your employees’ individual goals and performance with the organization’s objectives and outcomes, and show them how their work makes a difference and adds value.
  • Research and select a suitable Health, Wellness, and Allowance (HWA) platform: Compare and evaluate different HWA platforms available in the market, and choose the one that meets your budget, goals, and expectations. You can also look for reviews and testimonials from other clients and users, and request a demo or trial before making a final decision.
  • Monitor and evaluate your HWA program: Track and analyze the usage and feedback of your HWA program, and measure the outcomes and impact on your employee wellbeing and business performance. You can also solicit suggestions and feedback from your employees, and make adjustments and improvements to your HWA program as needed.

One of the best HWA platforms in the market is GoKlaim, which is trusted by hundreds of businesses and thousands of employees across the world. GoKlaim offers a simple, smart, and secure way to manage your employee wellbeing program, and provides a wide range of eligible expenses that your employees can claim, such as fitness apps, online counseling, health insurance, wellness coaching, and more. GoKlaim also has a user-friendly app that allows your employees to file their claims easily and quickly, and rollover their unused balance to the next year. GoKlaim also has a powerful AI and data analytics engine that can offer personalized and relevant recommendations to your employees, and help you measure and optimize your wellbeing program.

If you want to learn more about GoKlaim and how it can benefit your organization, you can visit their website and request a demo or contact sales. GoKlaim is the ultimate solution for employee well-being and retention, and it can give your organization a competitive edge in the post-pandemic era. Don’t miss this opportunity to create an employee-centric culture with GoKlaim.